
Behind the Impassioned Pen – Storytelling is Compelling


On my first solo train ride at age eleven, I itched for more adventure than visiting a relative in Virginia would most likely provide.  Little did I know that adventure approached me in the person of a fascinating Russian woman who boarded at South Station.  After heaving a bulging suitcase into the [...]

Behind the Impassioned Pen – Storytelling is Compelling2016-11-03T18:46:24-07:00

Shakespeare and Company


In Shakespeare & Company, the famous bookstore in Paris, I saw a sign on the wall, on which is written some words by Anais Nin, a French author famous for 60 years’ worth of journals, Nin wrote: “We write to taste life twice.” That is what my siblings [...]

Shakespeare and Company2016-11-03T18:49:32-07:00
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