Fresh Dezigns

About Fresh Dezigns

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So far Fresh Dezigns has created 5 blog entries.

On Memoir


Memory curls towards you, a wisp of smoke from the chimney of a distant house as you crunch over frozen snow. Attracted by its dance, you are drawn to the stone house, where windows on the top floor are darkened in mystery. The ground floor promises a single light. You enter [...]

On Memoir2016-11-03T18:45:36-07:00

Behind the Impassioned Pen – Storytelling is Compelling


On my first solo train ride at age eleven, I itched for more adventure than visiting a relative in Virginia would most likely provide.  Little did I know that adventure approached me in the person of a fascinating Russian woman who boarded at South Station.  After heaving a bulging suitcase into the [...]

Behind the Impassioned Pen – Storytelling is Compelling2016-11-03T18:46:24-07:00

Greetings from the Western Slope of Colorado!


Let me take you down a country lane to an old stone and stucco farm house surrounded by 150 acres or so of fields, barns and outbuildings, tractors and other farming implements, a huge area where they raise trout, rolls of golden hay out back, milk cows, horses [...]

Greetings from the Western Slope of Colorado!2016-11-03T18:48:00-07:00

New Appreciation of Home


A friend of mine, born and raised in Hawaii, but now living and working locally as a contractor, went to get an EKG recently. The technician delivering the test had just returned from a holiday in the South Seas. Naturally gregarious and well traveled, my friend engaged him in conversation. The [...]

New Appreciation of Home2016-11-03T18:47:10-07:00

Shakespeare and Company


In Shakespeare & Company, the famous bookstore in Paris, I saw a sign on the wall, on which is written some words by Anais Nin, a French author famous for 60 years’ worth of journals, Nin wrote: “We write to taste life twice.” That is what my siblings [...]

Shakespeare and Company2016-11-03T18:49:32-07:00
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